What is the value of democracy?


Liberty (freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, etc.)

Equality (everyone has equal opportunity and is treated the same)

The common good (benefits or interest everyone)

How do the actions of historical figures affect me?

Thomas Jefferson (Founding father/third president of the U.S.)

Martin Luther King Jr. (Leader of Civil Rights Movement)

Should we celebrate National holidays?

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Independence Day

the birth of the United States as an independent nation

Veterans Day

military veterans who served our country

Labor Day

American labor movements and the workers/contributors of labor to the development and achievement of the U.S.

What message do the symbols of our country give?

Bald eagle (strength & freedom)

Liberty Bell (national symbol for freedom)

American Flag

13 stripes which represent the original 13 colonies and 50 starts to represent 50 states of the Union

Statue of Liberty

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