Impacts of Globalization - Mind Map

Impacts of Globalization

Positive Impacts

Cultural Accessibility

Globalization has made international culture, such as food, movies, music, and art, more accessible than ever before.

Millions of foreign artists and their content available on a single platform.

Lower Product Costs

Companies may find more cost-effective ways to manufacture their goods due to globalization.

This packaged snack is so widely available due cost-effective manufacturing and mass production.

Negative Impacts


Many developing countries acknowledge globalization as "Americanization" and puts the developing countries at risk of losing control of their identity.

America's largest fast food chain demonstrates the prominence of American influence around the world.


No side benefits from outsourcing as the developed countries lose the jobs done by their own citizens and the workers in developing countries are paid significantly less and work in hostile conditions.

Sweatshops were a result of Nike's outsourcing and cost-cutting strategy in the 1970's.

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