Inside Out Characters

(Representing who t...- Mind Map

Inside Out Characters

(Representing who they are through their words and actions)


She tries to cheer up others (like Sadness), by always being positive (she’s an optimist)

“Remember... (she likes happy memories) ...when we buried Dad in the sand!”

“There’s always a way to turn things around”


Very short temper; literally explodes into flame when mad!



Often her body posture/mannerisms are that of someone who is depressed, like when she doesn't have the energy to stand up and wants to be dragged around the memory maze.

"Remember the funny movie where the dog died?"

"I like rain and getting water in our boots and getting all soggy"

She apologizes often (usually to Joy) because she is very insecure/worried about her actions (she has little self-esteem)


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