Is Diet Soda Really the Better            ...- Mind Map

Is Diet Soda Really the Better Option?

Diet Soda Companies (abiotic)

Diet soda companies such s Coca-Cola and Pepsi market their products as a healthy alternative and a better option for those with sugar restrictions

This ad is alluding to the belief that by drinking diet Pepsi you will become "skinny"

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Diet soda companies use rat urine on their lids which can lead to leptosporisis a potentially lethal disease

Normalizing power - They normalize the bad chemicals in their diet soda and market it incorrectly

Controversy over diet soda (abiotic)

prolonged drinking of diet soda has been linked to a plethora of harmful diseases and conditions to your body

It has been said that drinking 1 diet soda a day significantly heightens the chances of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease in consumers

Diet soda has highly addictive substances in their formula, including caffeine and aspartame

The public (biotic)

People with high blood sugar/ other sugar related conditions drink a lot of diet soda without knowing it's side affects because of the misleading marketing and the fact that it is called diet soda

U.S. Right to Know is a non-profit organization that fights to find truth and transparency in Americas food system

studies have showed that when diet soda is mixed with alcohol the alcohol is stronger than compared to regular soda because it does not have the same affect, this is something that many alcohol drinkers are unaware of

some people disagree with diet sodas and believe they are worse then normal soda

people believe sodas cans are a waste of materials and plastic and the best option for the environment is water

People who try to use less waste in their daily activities feel that diet soda goes against what they believe and is harmful to the environment

This is an example of environment for this STSE

Normalizing Power- Society plays a big factor in what people think, if diet soda has a bad reputation then less people will drink it

Inspection and Regulation Companies (abiotic)

The FDA has been trying to ban the artificial sweeteners that make up diet soda

Studies have showed that sucralose and acesulfame-potassium in diet soda increase the glucose concentration in your blood

Aspartame an artificial sweetener in soda is considered dangerous to those with genetic disorder phenylketonuria

The FDA has made it a rule that any diet soda containing this chemical must be clearly labelled

Repressive Power- They determine whether or not diet soda can be sold in stores and if it is acceptable for human consumption

Artificial Sweetener companies (abiotic)

Artificial sweetener companies have tested their formulas on male rats and the results showed that saccharin one of the sweeteners caused cancer

This is an example of science for this STSE

By regularly drinking diet soda your body becomes accustomed to the fake sugar which causes your body not to release the proper hormones to regulate blood sugar or blood pressure when real sugar is consumed

Artificial sweetener companies market their products as sugar substitutions when in reality they do not work the same way- examples of sugar substitutions




Acesulfame Potassium

Normalizing Power- They make chemicals that are harmful to animals and humans and make them seem like an alternative

semiotics grab consumers attention and make them feel like the product is beneficial to them- examples of top selling diet soda brands

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