

Is scientology recognized as a church or as a cult by the U.S government?

Illegal practices within the church?

sub organization within the church called the "sea org"

its an american navy styled organization where all of the members wear navy soldier style uniforms and they all live on a ship that moves throughout different parts of the ocean

the navy relationship may come from Hubbard's history with the U.S military earlier in his life

David Miscavige

rumors of violent/abusive with church members

current leader of the Church of Scientology and a main face of many of their dealings

took over from L.Ron Hubbard

L.Ron Hubbard was a previous science fiction author of the self help book "Dianetics"

L. Ron Hubbard was also in the Navy

how do you become a Scientologist

there are "levels" of being a Scientologist, each level requires certain practices and learning, each with a price tag

how does someone fall into becoming a Scientologist? are they kinda recruited in a way or do they see all of the garbage commercials they produce?

Tom Cruise

top member and figure in the church

friends with David Miscavige

the church goes after actors a lot, seeing as how many of their "practices" or "rituals" are like acting class techniques


created from a science fiction, L.Ron Hubbard writer who wrote a self help book titles "Dianetics"

what are their main beliefs and "rules"

was the religion started intentionally or was it a mistake to where people just kinda started it themselves

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