Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)

was born to a very artistic family in London

and she was encouraged to write and paint from an early age

Educated at King's College, London, where she met women's rights activists;

her family was very supportive of her education

Many traumatic events marked her early life: her mother's, her half-sister's, and finally her father's deaths left her depressed and suicidal

Started the Bloomsbury Group: a group of anti-Victorian, highly refined intellectuals, including writers (e.g. E. M. Forster), artists (e.g. Vanessa, Woolf's sister), and philosophers (e.g. John M. Keynes)

bacame a patroness of arts and literature, particularly after founding the Hogarth Press, which was to publish her own works, as well E. M. Forster's and T. S. Eliot's

fled London during the war and moved to Sussex; could not escape depression and drowned herself in a nearby river