What was driving cause behind Kevin's achievement in school?

2) The sacrifice of Kevin's mother

she kept a neat file of his exercises and test

she examined carefully each of it to detect the mistakes which caused loss of mistakes

Do you think exam results reflection on students real capability ?

Absolutely no.

exam results not reflect real capability because students just perform in goverment examinations that they are only answers based on the paper what they study.

For instance, i have peer who score extremely good at exams but lack the basic skills like decision making, socializing and stuff

exam results in no way reflect a person's true potential unless you are talking solely about academics

for example: i have friend that can palying piano , playing football, palying badminton . They have the potential to face challenges

3) Always make comparisons between Kevin's results and his classmates.

1) Kevin's mother behavior


kevin's mother has forced kevin to obtained 95% and above in examinations

Kevin will do a revision, study smart, study hard

his mom is his inspiration for his academic achievement