Newtons Laws of Motion

Newtons 1st Law:
an object at rest stays at rest unless an unbalanced force is acted upon. an object in motion stays in motion unless an unbalance force is acted upon.

You are ridding the bus and all of a sudden it stops
and your book bag goes flying forward.

A basketball is sits in a ball cage motionless

Newtons 2nd Laws:
The acceleration of an object is dependent upon two variables-the net force acting upon the object and the amount of mass the object is

It is much easier to carry your backpack
when it's empty rather than when it is full

When a little boy hits a baseball with a baseball bat
he goes backward. When a older boy hits the baseball
with a baseball bat he stays still.


Newtons 3rd Law:
For every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction.

A climber pulls down on a rope causing his
body to lift upward and rise up along the rope.

A person shoots a paintball gun at their friend
while standing on a skateboard and moves backwards
