Rhetoric Mind Map Assignment - Mind Map

Rhetoric Mind Map Assignment

Rhetorical appeal - PATHOS

Drawing the reader or audience in a emotional way

Designed language and information that would stir up feelings of compassion

Bring up topics that both teachers and students relate to when it comes to school and homework struggles and situations

Persuade in a emotional way and sympathetic way to which can be a discussed topic and appeal when talking about homework


Using evidence on the topic with credible reasonings and experiences

Being having experience on the subject of homework it'll be easy to argue/discuss on this topic

Getting more research fact based to help back up my reasonings even more


Logical ideas that will help show evidence and persuasion for the reader

Creating appropriate examples and ideas with reasoning is also a good choice as it provides evidence with backup information


Language that usually is effective and persuasive

Rhetorical appeal that would best work would be PATHOS and LOGOS

This is due to that I don't have the most credible information as in facts and numbers but have experienced homework adn school as a whole

Using PATHOS helps in relatable and emotional ways as people are strongly against or with homework

Using LOGO helps in this type of topic as logical ideas that students and teachers would relate to when it comes to struggles with work and more

Written paragraph

Convincing the reader/Ms Vitelli on why we shouldn't have homework

Creating a well flowing and proper grammar and spelling paragraph

Using appropriate wording and language that will sway and convince the reader on the argument

Design or organize more in detail on how I could sway the reader with rhetorical devices

Possible Rhetorical Devices

Rhetorical question

Hooks the reader in with a question that could be introduce the topic in a interesting and unique way

Should include with not a clear or mere answer to the question

Could introduce the topic as it is a argument and topic discussed upon in schools and with students and teachers


Reference to significant people, place, event, or idea

Referencing a important/credible person would help influence someone

Possible people and ideas that could be brought up in education aspects and areas


Repeating the same type of word or idea would help persuad and give a clear

Creates a vivid idea and supports the message when you hear/ have repetition


Helps convey a understanding situation which would connect a teacher and student perspective together when talking about homework

Relating, comparing and understanding similar struggles and situations when it comes to homework could help persuade with a good outcome

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