
The expansion of Rome

The romans were the most porefull people

Morocco - Rabat


The concesquest was basad on diferents factors

The political unit

The romanitation

Comercial strendgth

The importat of salves labour

The asimilation of the cultural elements




The fall of Roman Empire

The crisis began in the Roman empire in the 3rd century AD

It hapend:

Territorial conquest ended

The militay became less effective in defendding the bordes of empire

The Roman economy weakend

Trade was negatively affected

Society became more rural, as people began to move fron the cities to the countyside

Taxes were increased

Emperor diocletian tried to relvol de crisis by reforming the system of government. In 284 ad, he established a tetrarchy.

The power os the emperornbecame very weak during the 4th century AD, when the cristian relijions suceses

The Monarchy

The kings were chosen for the Senate

The Roman Senate was a group of people (300 or so, later it rose to 900) who were former magistrates, who decided who should be the next monarch of Rome.

Most Famous Monarch


Julio Cesar

Marco Aurelio





The orings of Rome

The oringins according to the historic events.

On the 8th BC Rome was only a small village on the backs of the Tiber River.

The regian was well protected as it was sorroundead by the seven hilss

The origins acccording to the mitology

1-Romulus and Remus were two twin brothers, sons of a human mother and the god of war.

2-When they born the kings want to kill them and they were paced in a basket and thrown into the Tiber River, where they left to die

3-But they basket appeared on the river bank, where they were found by a wolf

4-Romuls and Remus grew up and they wanted to build their own city along the Tiber River, but Romulus killed Remus, because they had desagrees whit were the city have to be

5-Romulus buit the city of Rome on one of the seven hills along the tiber

The republic

In 509 BC the romans overthrew the Monarchy and expelled the etruscan kings, and rome became a republic.

A series of represebtative institutions were formed during the republic :

The Roman assemblies

The senate

The magistrated

The basys of the roman republic was the law of the twuelve tables, fron 451BC. It decaraded the ligt and obligations of plebeians

Rome is the one of the biggest ond powerfullest empires in History