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~ Fair Use for Educational Purposes by Nonprofit Organization ~


By continuing to visit this site you agree to the following disclaimer:

The contents of this site are presented for informational purposes only, and should not be substituted for professional advice. Always consult your own therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor, doctor or other mental health professional with your questions, concerns and before starting, stopping or modifying any treatment.


The Wikiquote notion of copyright and fair use for quotes is applied throughout the materials.



last checked on 2019-08-09

Other guidelines considered

Quotation, Criticism & Review - by Hayleigh Bosher


last checked on 2019-08-09

Material that is in the public domain might be quoted more extensively compared to publications that are protected by copyright - as a fair use interpretation would demand.

Personality Rights of Authors

The ECS Material contains pages on authors and creators and summarizes, and critically comments some of their work. This does not mean, that these authors endorse the ECS or any other views expressed on - unless that would be stated clearly.

Quotation does not equal endorsement

The use of a quote or reference happens for the clarification and with an educational purpose. This does not mean that a view expressed in the quotation, the whole work it was quoted from or the work and views of an author are endorsed - unless this is stated clearly in the comment.

Die Veröffentlichung erfolge unter der Annahme von "fair use" im Kontext eines Bildungsprojektes. Wenn Sie verletzte Rechte beanstanden möchten, bitte ich um Nachricht an damit die Inhalte entfernt werden können.


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