



ActionScript® Toolbox (ARCHIVED)(UPDATE 03.01.2020: On 31 December 2020, Adobe ceased support of the proprietary Flash Player. Even though the ActionScript Toolbox has not been updated for almost a decade, it remains a modest record of an exciting era of the web, and it represents many of the endeavours of a community of passionate developers to build on the web technologies of the time.)This mindmap represents a 'developer workspace' (tools, utilities, software & resources) which may help developers work productively with Adobe® ActionScript programming language. It is really just a collection of links that I hope might be useful to developers, designers or programmers. :) Chris (daubney-at-gmail-dot-com)Mindmap layout • Softwares and applications for ActionScript development are grouped to the right of the map. • Helpful online articles, documentation and resources relating to ActionScript are grouped to the left.Why does this exist? • I am familiar already with the Flash® Platform and wish to acquire tools that would perhaps help increase my work productivity with ActionScript. • I am currently working on an ActionScript project and need a tool to perform a specific task I have in mind • I am relatively new to the Flash Platform and want to investigate a number of workflow alternatives to begin working with ActionScript • I am a programmer coming to the Flash Platform and would like to know what tools are available to get me started in ActionScript • I am learning about programming/software engineering and wish to know some of the tools available that would enable me to apply my knowledge with ActionScript.What this is not • An exhaustive list of the best tools available (RIAForge, GoogleCode, GITHub or OSFlash list many) • A microcosm of the Adobe Flash Platform • A manifesto for open source ActionScript development, nor an affiliation of proprietary technologies • An introduction to Flash Platform and ActionScript development • A guide to programming/software engineering • A conclusive workflow 'best practice' methodology.













ActionScript® Toolbox Change LogApr-12------FIX: Usual URL fixes to Adobe runtimes beta release resourcesFeb-12------NEW: \Resources\Code & API\Devices\AIRKinectNEW: \Resources\Code & API\Native ExtensionsFIX: AIR runtime Release Notes topic linksFIX: Documentation dead linksJan-12------NEW: \build\sdk\Apache FlexNEW: \Documentation\Versions in the Flash PlatformNEW: \Adobe runtimes\Adobe Flash Player Runtime Releases blogNEW: \Resources\Articles\Source control\GitHub SecretsNEW: \Resources\Community\Twitter\@apacheflexNEW: \Best practices\Performance\ActionScript vs. JavaScript benchmark results (using Google V8 Benchmark)FIX: Flash Player Release Notes dead linksNov-11------NEW: \build\sdk\Flex SDK\Flex 4.x SDK\Release Notes\Flex 4.6 SDK Release NotesNEW: \Adobe runtimes\Adobe Flash Player\Release Notes\Flash Player 11.2 Beta 2 NEW: \plan\UML\Crocus ModellerNEW: \build\editors\Sublime Text 2\How to write a Sublime text 2 pluginNEW: \Resources\Fixes & Gotchas\Running Flash in GPUNEW: \Resources\Knowledge Base\Learning ActionScript 3.0NEW: \Resources\Articles\ActionScript\Tip for writing utility classes in ActionScriptNEW: \Best practices\Managing source files\Beanstalk Guides to version controlOct-11------NEW: \build\sdk\Stealth SDKNEW: \build\ide\Tech Notes & Help\Adobe Flash Professional\Overlay AIR SDK in Flash Professional CS5.5NEW: \Resources\Code & API\2D\StarlingNEW: \Resources\Code & API\3D\Unreal EngineNEW: \Resources\Code & API\Mapping\MapQuest API for AS3/FlexNEW: \Resources\Community\Blogs\Rob BatemanNEW: \Resources\Community\Blogs\Jackson DunstanNEW: \Resources\Articles\ActionScript\Pseudo ThreadsNEW: \Resources\Articles\ActionScript\Checking Class InheritanceNEW: \Resources\Books\General Development\Automating ActionScript Projects with Eclipse and ANTNEW: \Documementation\Adobe Language & API References\Download latest release versionSep-11------NEW: \plan\UML\WebSequenceDiagramsNEW: \Adobe runtimes\Adobe Flash Player\Useful documentation\Adobe Flash Player Runtime releases blogNEW: \Adobe runtimes\Flash Runtime Testing OpportunityNEW: \Resources\Community\Flash Platform Evangelism KitFIXED: Adobe runtime dead linksJul-11------NEW: \Resources\Book\Mobile\Developing Android Applications with Adobe AIRNEW: \build\ide\IntelliJ IDEANEW: \manage\continuous integration\HudsonNEW: \manage\continuous integration\TeamCityNEW: \manage\version control\Browser-based reporting\FishEyeNEW: \Resources\Code & API\Social\ActionScript 3.0 library for Yahoo! Social APINEW: \Resources\Books\Reference\The Cleaner CoderNEW: \Resources\Community\Blogs\Joel HooksNEW: \Best practice\Documenting\DocBookFIX: General spring clean, fixed dead linksJun-11------NEW: \Resources\Code & API\Games Engines\FlixelNEW: \Resources\Code & API\Games Engines\Citrus EngineNEW: \Resources\Code & API\Utilities\AS3MailerNEW: \Resources\Community\Blogs\Adobe Evangelist blogsNEW: \Resources\Articles\Dispatching Events from an ActionScript ClassNEW: \Resources\Community\Twitter\@bit101NEW: \Resources\Community\Twitter\@asvguyMay-11------NEW: \compile\Apache MavenNEW: \Best practices\Workflow\Continuous IntegrationNEW: \Resources\Utilities\GistNEW: \Resources\Community\Blogs\Brian RinaldiNEW: \Resources\Community\Blogs\Conrad WinchesterNEW: \Resources\Community\Twitter\@remotesynthNEW: \Resources\Articles\Continuous integration\Installing Flex SDKs Into Maven RepositoriesNEW: \Resources\Articles\Unicode\The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character SetsNEW: Best practice\Documenting\Developer Support HandbookNEW: \Adobe runtimes\AdobeFlash Player\Release Notes\Flash Player 10.3Apr-11------NEW: \code\editors\Sublime TextNEW: \Adobe Runtimes\Adobe Flash Player\Useful documentation\Install an earlier version of Flash Player for Internet Explorer (Windows)NEW: \Adobe Runtimes\Adobe Incubator preview buildsNEW: \Adobe runtimes\Adobe AIR\Release Notes\AIR 2.7 Beta (PDF version)NEW: \Reources\News\Adobe Press ReleasesNEW: \Documentation\Adobe Language & API References\ActionScript 3.0\ActionScript 3.0 Language Reference for Prerelase versions of Adobe Flash Platform runtimes and productsCHANGE: Updated resources and links under \Documentation\Adobe Language & API ReferencesTODO: Keep up-to-date with resources for mobile development. Improvements in transcoders, platform emulators, Adobe AIR and Flex framework branches for mobile may demonstrate eventually a long-term commitment to mobile platform support by Adobe and dev community.Mar-11------NEW: \Resources\Code & API\Mapping\Google Maps API for Flash SDKNEW: \debug\day-to-day\Flash FirebugNEW: \Adobe runtimes\Adobe Flash Player\Release Notes\Flash Player BetaNEW: \Adobe runtimes\Adobe Flash Player\Release Notes\Flash Player 10.2 Beta for AndoidNEW: \Adobe runtimes\Adobe Flash Player\Release Notes\Flash Player 10.2NEW: \Adobe runtimes\Adobe Flash Player\List of supported devicesFeb-11------NEW: \debug\Web traffic\Toaster Lite HTTP/AMF monitoring toolNEW: \debug\Daya-to-day\References for debugging\Flash Error DatabaseNEW: \Resources\Community\Twitter\@thibault_imbertNEW: \Resources\Community\Blogs\Thibault ImbertJan-11------TODO: Spring clean \Documentation\Adobe Language & API ReferencesNEW: \analyse\web\Google Analytics tracking for Flash Platform projects\ActionScript 3.0 client library for Google Analytics APINEW: \debug\desktop\Flash Preload ProfilerNEW: \Adobe runtimes\Adobe Flash Player\Release Notes\Flash Player 10.2.151 BetaNEW: \Documentation\Accessibility\Creating Accessible Content in FlashNEW: \Documentation\Accessibility\Creating Accessible Flash ContentNEW: \Documentation\Order of operations in ActionScriptNEW: \Documentation\Security\Adobe Flash Player\Latest Flash Player security bulletinsNEW: \Resources\Code\Depots\Repos/ActionScript on GitHubNEW: \Resources\Community\Adobe IdeasNEW: \Resources\Community\Twitter\@sjespersNEW: \Resources\Community\Twitter\@adobeflashNEW: \Resources\Community\Twitter\@mchaizeNEW: \Resources\Community\Twitter\@adobe_reporterNEW: \Resources\Community\Twitter\#as3 Twubs feedNEW: \Resources\Articles\Source control\Understanding Git ConceptuallyNEW: \Resources\Code\Web services\API for AWS Amazon Web ServicesNEW: \Resources\Code\Utilities\SWFUploadDec-10------NEW: \compile\flashcommand for OS XNEW: \debug\desktop\Vizzy Flash TracerNEW: \Best practices\Mobile\Optimize Flash Content and Improving Usability on Mobile Devices Part 1 & 2NEW: \Adobe runtimes\Adobe Flash Player\Release Notes\Flash Player 10.2 BetaNEW: \Adobe runtimes\Adobe AIR\Release Notes\AIR 2.0.1Nov-10------NEW: \debug\desktop\Firefox browser add-ons\NetExport for FirefoxNEW: \compile\JangarooNEW: \Adobe runtimes\Adobe Flash Player\Documentation\Troubleshoot Flash Player installation on WindowsNEW: \Adobe runtimes\Adobe Flash Player\Documentation\Troubleshoot Flash Player installation on Mac OSNEW: \Documentation\Security\How to manage and disable Local Shared ObjectsNEW: \Documentation\Security\Adobe Flash Player\Security changes by Flash Player version\Flash Player Security UpdateOct-10------NEW: \code\ide\Adobe Flex Builder BurritoNEW: \compile\Flex SDK\Flex Hero\Release Notes\Flex Hero SDK Release NotesNEW: \Adobe runtimes\Adobe Flash Player\Release Notes\Flash Player 'Square' preview 2NEW: \Resources\Knowledge Bases\Mobile compatibility chartsNEW: \Resources\Knowledge Base\GUIMark 2 – Flash Player and HTML5 rendering performance comparisonSep-10------NEW: \deploy\mobile\Adobe AIR for AndroidNEW: \deploy\mobile\Packager for iPhoneNEW: \debug\desktop\Firefox browser add-ons\AMF ExplorerNEW: \compile\Flex SDK\Flex HeroNEW: \compile\Flex SDK\Flex 4\Release Notes\Flex 4 Features and Migration GuideNEW: \Adobe runtimes\Adobe Flash Player\Release Notes\Flash Player 10.1NEW: \Documentation\Security\Adobe Flash Player\Security by Flash Player version\Flash Player Security UpdateNEW: \Documentation\Security\Adobe Flash Player\Security by Flash Player version\Flash Player \ Security UpdateNEW: \Documentation\Adobe Help\Building Adobe AIR Applications with the Packager for iPhoneNEW: \Documentation\white papers\Flex and Mobile White PaperNEW: \Resources\Utilities\Mr. Data ConverterNEW: \Resources\Articles\ActionScript\ActionScript for Java developers (Part 1)NEW: \Resources\Articles\ActionScript\ActionScript for Java developers (Part 2)NEW: \Resources\Books\Reference\Mastering Regular ExpressionsAug-10------NEW: \manage\project management\Apache MavenNEW: \manage\project management\FlexMojosNEW: \Best Practices\Managing source files\Top 18 Subversion Best PracticesNEW: \Resources\articles\mobile\How to debug AIR for AndroidNEW: \Resources\Code\Language bridges\MerapiNEW: \Resources\Code\Social\twitterscriptNEW: \Resources\Utilities\Flex 3 Regular Expression ExplorerNEW: \Resources\code\Depots\Open@AdobeNEW: \runtimes\Adobe Flash Player\Statistics\Flash Player penetration graphsMay-10------NEW: \Adobe runtimes\Adobe Flash Player\Download\Pre-release versionNEW: \Documentation\Security\Server-side\Adobe cross domain policy file specificationNEW: \Resources\Articles\Flex\Configuring ActionScript-Only AIR projects with Flash Builder 4NEW: \Resources\Fixes & Gotchas\Debugging\Debugging production ready AIR applicationsMar-10------TODO: Decide whether or not to deprecate all ActionScript 2.0 tool & reference topics to reduce size of mindmapNEW: \analyse\desktop\App AnalyticsNEW: \compile\Flex SDK\Release Notes\Flex 4 SDK Release NotesNEW: \compile\Flex SDK\Flex 4\Release Notes\Flex 4 backward compatibility chartNEW: \test\code\performance\StatsNEW: \Adobe runtimes\Adobe Flash Player\Release Notes\Flash Player 10.1 Beta 3 bug fixesNEW: \Best Practices\Performance\Optimizing Mobile Content for the Flash PlatformNEW: \Resources\code\Drawing\AlivePDFNEW: \Documentation\Security\Flash Player Security BasicsNEW: \Resources\Utilities\SwfVersionCHG: Updated \author\ide\Adobe\Flash BuilderCHG: Use playerversion.com for \Adobe runtimes\Adobe Flash Player\Version testFeb-10------NEW: \debug\Configure Adobe Flash Player's mm.cfg text file for debugging\Undocumented propertiesNEW: \compile\Flex Mobile Framework (Slider)NEW: \test\code\code coverage\FlexCoverNEW: \test\code\code coverageNEW: \Adobe runtimes\Adobe Flash Player\Documentation\Administration Guide for Flash Player 10.xNEW: \Adobe runtimes\Adobe Flash Player\Documentation\Administration Guide for Flash Player 8.x & 9.xNEW: \Resources\Code\Text\Squiggly spell check engineJan-10------FIX: Several URL links under \DocumentationNEW: \Documentation\More\ActionScript 3.0 API Reference (iPhone app)NEW \Resources\Utilities\Doc? ASDoc browserNEW: \Resources\Code\Visualization\BirdEyeNEW: \Resources\Books\Reference\Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests

‘Best’ practices



Adobe runtimes

31 December 2020
Adobe will stop supporting
the Flash Player.

Ruffle (Flash Player emulator)