English sous forme de Carte Mentale



(pour des habitudes / des actions générales)

affirmative : un sujet + (un auxiliaire )+ un verbe


I give food to my pets

my dog plays in my garden

you give a present for my birthday

we work on exercises in english every saturday

they listen to the teacher every day except saturday and sunday

negative : sujet + auxiliaire + not + verbe


I don 't give food to my brother

you don 't play the guitare

she doesn 't wear glasses

we don 't watch tv

they don 't learn their lessons

interrogatif :

yes / no questions : do + sujet + verbe + ( complement )


do I really want this new tee shirt ?

do you teach maths ?

does a cow stay outside when it rains ?

do we go to the swiming pool ?

do they drive a bus ?

mots interrogatifs : mi + aux + sujet + verbe + ( complement )

who eats frog ?

where do you live ?

when does she come back ?

what do you think of school ?

how do you do ?

how long does your appointment last ?

how far does your dog run ?

how many pens do you use ?

how much money do you want

(pour une action en train de se faire)

affirmatif : sujet + aux (be) + verbe + ing + (complement)


I am typing words on my computer

you are playing basketball

she is watching tv

we are doing the shopping

they are drinking coffee

negatif : sujet + aux (be) + not + verbe + ing + (complement )


I am not playing football

you aren 't drinking tea

she isn't giving the present

we aren't sleeping

they aren't watching their phone

interrogatif :

yes/ no question : aux (be) + sujet + verbe + ing + ( complement )

am I eating a salad ?

are you painting a wall ?

is she drinking an apple juice ?

are we gardening ?

are they listening to music ?

mots interrogatif : mots interrogatif + aux ( be ) + sujet + verbe +ing + ( complement )

what are you doing at the moment ?

where are we going ?

who is talking ?

when are you leaving ?