Main topic

People that feel, but don't understand, that something is wrong about their lives devoted to long hours, employee gratitude, fear and frustration. Who get up everyday wondering if this is all there is.


your mission (in picking topics and forming opinions and handing those ideas to your audience) is:
to create a shift in thinking

have them see the world and their lives a little differently

to leave them changed.

to promote pro-people business in the media


I see things from the other side. I see the untold story, the reverse of what you are being told. I tell you what’s really happening, why and what you should do about it.


I came from nothing. I’ve worked my way up to the top where I’ve worked with the big and the rich. I’ve seen all the tricks they use to stay big and keep you small. I’ve brought those tricks and tools and secrets out to you. I’m giving you those tools and secrets. I’m going to make you rich and break them.