Geo Vocab

Birth rate

- It is a number that shows
how many people are born in a yaer.

E.g. The birth rate is 17 to 1000.

Death rate

- It is a number that shows how many people die in a year.

E.g. The death rate this year is 3 million.

Growth Rate

- It is a number thats shows the increase or decrease in the population in a certain period of time.

E.g. The growth rate is 3.1 percent in 2024.


- It is the study of human
population statistics.

E.g. They study age, ethnicity, income, gender, religon. income.


- Number of people in a certain area

E.g. The population of
Toronto is 3 million.


- Area that are outside cities.

E.g. That farm area is rural.


- A populated area inside or near a city.

E.g. The city is a urban area.

Carrying capcity

E.g. If a City has a certain amount of area it can only produce a certain amount of food and it will only support a certain amount of people.

- It is the maximum of people the goverment can support with running out of resources.


- A system which services
and goods are sold and made in a area.

E.g. The war altered the


- Migration is when people move
from one place to another.

E.g. people migrate from their home country to here.