situations that happen daily in the lives of people

break your arm

Definition: Care that people should have with their body in order not to hurt themselves. Part of speech: The boy broke his arm.

clim a mountain

Definition: Extreme sport that some people practice, and that sometimes can be dangerous if they do not carry the right equipment.

Part of speech: I will climb the mountain on the weekend.

forget your passport

Definition: Event that happens, when things are not planned beforehand.

Part of speech: My friend forgot her passport today.

go to a musical

Definition: activity that people do to distract themselves and feel relaxed.

Part of speech: He goes to the musical with his girlfriend.

go to a restaurant

Definition: place to which people go, to satisfy their needs as it is to enjoy different dishes.

Part of speech: My family goes to the restaurant to celebrate my birthday, and enjoy delicious dishes.

meet someone interesting

Definition: Situation that can happen at any time, meeting people who had not been greeted for several years.

Part of speech: Luis met his friend at the cinema.

sit on the beach

Definition: activity carried out by people, on the shore of the beach, to take a bit of sun.

Part of speech: Today I was sitting on the edge of the beach to get a tan.

stay home

Definition: stay at home with the aim of enjoying small pleasures, from the enjoyment of being with yourself to practicing hobbies such as pastry, gardening or reading, among others.

Part of speech: My dad spends the whole weekend at home.

visit a museum

Definition: a place where collections of objects of artistic, cultural, scientific, historical interest are stored and displayed, and where people come to learn.

Part of speech: She goes to visit the museum on Saturday.

write postcards

Definition: rectangular piece of cardboard, or thin cardboard, or any other paper, prepared to write and send by traditional mail, to inform any person about any situation.

Part of speech: My friend wrote me some postcards.

buy souvenirs

Definition: Buy details, to remember the places visited, either for gifts or for decoration in the houses.

Part of speech: I buy a souvenir for my friends.


Definition: Traveling in the air and moving from one point to another in an aircraft powered by an engine.

Part ofr speech: The plane flew very high.

go shopping

Definition: activity carried out by people to supply their needs.

Part of speech: I go shopping with my friends on Sundays.

go to a show

Definition: place where people attend, to observe a show and that can be for distraction.

Part of speech: On Sunday I went to see the show with my boyfriend.

lose your luggage

Definition: situation that can happen, either by mistake or total oblivion by people, which can be involuntary.

Part of speech: I forgot my luggage at the airport.

mis your plane

Definition: situation that occurs, when something is not used, to what is accustomed.

Part of speech: I miss getting on my plane, because I will not have vacations.

sleep in a hotel

Definition: space or comfortable place used to rest or domir. Relaxation space.

Part of speech: I sleep in the hotel for the vacations

stay in a hotel

Definition: place that we look for to sleep or rest, when we arrive somewhere, and we do not have where to stay.

Part of speech: I stay at the Hotel when I travel to Izabal.

visit an art gallery

Definition: a gallery is a place or space for the exhibition and promotion of art, especially visual art, and mainly painting and sculpture,.

Part of speech
: She is going to visit the gallery on the weekend.

Name: María Otilia Agustín Mateo
Begginner IV. Virtual Mind Map Vocabulary 2 Unit 11.
Carne: 8140-15-3723