Mind map Vocabulary Unit 7

antique store

Definition: is a retail store specializing in the sale of antique objects.

Sentence: My friends do not like going to the antique store.

electronics store

Definition: store that sells electronic products in various types of articles.

Sentence: My brother bought a television in the electronics store.

jewelry store

Definition: establishment that is dedicated to the sale of any collection of rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces and all kinds of fine jewelry.

Sentence: I like to visit the jewelry store.


Definition: public place with shops or stalls where it is traded, especially with food and other necessities.

Sentence: My mom goes to the market on Saturday, since she needs vegetables.


Definition: object that has reached an age that makes it a witness of the past.

Sentence: My mom's stove is antiques


Definition: is the branch of physics and specialization of engineering, which studies and employs systems whose operation is based on the conduction and control of the flow of electrons or other electrically charged particles.

Sentence: My dad works in electronics.


Definition: aromatic substance made to give a pleasant smell.

Sentence: I like perfume with a woody odor.


Definition: refers to something that has been broken.

Sentence: the wind has broken the glass.


Definition: which is appropriate, is good, adequate or useful for someone or something.

Sentence: Working as a team is convenient for everyone.


Definition: something is at a low price.

Sentence: this hotel is too inexpensive.


Definition: It is said of an action or event that generates a lot of social attention because it is notable or controversial.

Sentence: They are very noisy when they eat.


Definition: that is of a higher value and that many times we can not pay.

Sentence: The dress is too overpriced


Definition: to the situation of a body that is in the middle of the influence of opposing forces that exert attraction.

Sentence: The meeting is very stressful.


Definition: which are the latest trends in fashion, such as designs, hairstyles, fashion. Everything that is going to take in this season.

Sentence: The pants that my cousin uses are trendy.


Definition: commercial establishment where a person is responsible for adding the amount due for a purchase.

Sentence: She meets the cashier.

credit card

Definition: rectangular and small piece of cardboard, plastic or other material that contains certain information or has a specific use.

Sentence: She uses the credit card to make purchases.


Definition: Continuous succession of points in space. The extension of a line is the length.

Sentence: They are drawing the line very well.

store assistant

Definition: is a key piece in any inventory deposit, it requires that the person go through an intensive training course to learn all the tools.

Sentence: My sister works as a store assistant in the warehouse.

compare prices

Definition: comparison of product prices, because due to the increase in the basic basket, it leads us to verify which price we think is best to buy.

Sentence: She compares prices of medicines.


Definition: something that is sent from one place to another.

Sentence: We do ship merchandise.

stand in line

Definition: action performed by people to wait their turn, whether to go to the bank, supermarket, restaurant, among others.

Sentence: They have to stand in line to order the food.


Definition: establishment where fashionable clothing is sold, usually of exclusive design.

Sentence: I need a new dress so it is necessary to go to the boutique.

flea market

Definition: is a street market that is usually installed outdoors on one or several days of the week.

Sentence: In my colony there is a flea market on Saturdays and Sundays.


Definition: a construction consisting of one or several buildings, usually large in size, that house services, premises and commercial offices agglutinated in a given space, concentrating a greater number of potential clients.

Sentence: my sister goes to the mall on Sunday.

perfume store

Definition: store or establishment that sells fragrances.

Sentence: I buy perfumes in the perfume store.


Definition: Garments that humans use to cover our body.

Sentence: the clothing is very nice


Definition: ornamental object for the body, which are usually made with precious stones and metals, although materials of lower value can also be used.

Sentence: my cousin is a fan of jewelry.


Definition: word that is used to refer to something concrete, abstract, real or mental.

Sentence: The refrigerator is full of stuff I do not need anymore.


Definition: person who is working and therefore not available

Sentence: Arturo is a very busy person.


Definition: place that always happens full of people, where an event is celebrated or where you get to share.

Sentence: She thinks the sports hostel is too crowded.


Definition: that causes a lot of noise.

Sentence: Those noisy instruments cause headaches.


Definition: that is outdated, that does not follow current trends or that is no longer in use.

Sentence: the phone you use is outdated


Definition: price that would be received for the sale of an asset or would be paid for the transfer of a liability in an orderly transaction in the main market.

Sentence: Is reasonable to pay $ 100.00 for these jeans.


Definition: that tempts, induces something or is attractive.

Sentence: the food is tempting.


Definition: is that which has already been used and that, therefore, acquires the characteristics of what is spent for its use.

Sentence: He uses shoes already used.


Definition: Resentment or dislike for the performance or behavior of someone.

Sentence: they have a complaint.

good deal

Definition: it is about the occupation, the work or the task that is done for profit, of a business.

Sentence: The pizzeria is a good deal

shopping habits

Definition: Behavior of the buyer with respect to places of purchase, travel, types of places visited, with a frequency of purchase.

Sentence: My family and I have shopping habits.

be broke

Definition: refers to something that does not work, has an opening, is broken.

Sentence: The furniture may be broken.


Definition: action to buy, something that we acquire through purchase and that we have to pay.

Sentence: They know about the purchase of items.

shop online

Definition: is when an online purchase is made, of various products and that at some point is obtained immediately.

Sentence: Jake thinks he spends too much time shopping online.

spend time

Definition: think what is right, before time passes.
  order the things.

Sentence: They spend time together.

Name: María Otilia Agustín Mateo
Carné: 8140-15-3723
Intermediate III virtual
Mind map Unit 7