"Plagiarism occurs when someone
1. Uses words, ideas, or work products
2. Attributable to another identifiable person or source
3. Without attributing the work to the source from which it was obtained
4. In a situation in which there is a legitimate expectation of original authorship
5. In order to obtain some benefit, credit, or gain which need not be monetary"
Fishman, Teddi: “We know it when we see it” is not good enough: toward a standard definition of plagiarism that transcends theft, fraud, and copyright. Available online at https://www.bmartin.cc/pubs/09-4apcei/4apcei-Fishman.pdf, checked on 7/12/2019.
m"Debora Weber-Wulff would change this to „without properly attributing the work“ in point 3 and removing point 5, as the text is a plagiarism, no matter if a benefit is received or not."
Leitlinien zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis
Portal Plagiat der HTW Berlin
Copy, Shake & Paste
Good Adacemic Practice
Plagiarism detectors are a crutch, and a problem
Plagiarism Detection Software: Promises, Pitfalls, and Practices
"If it is not possible to precisely define the term, it is not possible to write software that is able to reliably detect it."