Team L'ship & Self Managed Teams

- greater improvement in quality, speed, process and innovation.
- sense of belonging and ownership in work
- greater employee motivation
- greater employee participation.
- managers may resist or undermine the transition of power
- team member may experience anxiety
- social loafing
- decision made by SMT not gurantee success.

Group Vs Team
- focus on individual performance and goals
- rely on individual abilities
- work more independen- have a very hierachical l'ship.
- have a sense of shared mission
- collective responsibilty
- sharing info, insights, perspctive

Leadership Skills for effective Team Meetings.

Planning Meetings
- Obj
- Selecting participants and making assgn
- the agenda
- leadership

Conducting Meetings
- idenfying obj
- covering agenda items
- summarizing and reviewing assgn

Handling Problem Members
- silent
- talkers
- wanderers
- arguers

Type of Teams
Functional Team
- Cross functional Team
- Virtual Team
- Self Managed Team

Functional Teams
- employees belongings to same functional department. eg R&D, Human resource, information system.
- generally more hierachical

Cross Functional Team
- made up from diff functional department and brought together to perform tasks to create new job.

Virtual Team
- one whose member are geographically distributed, required them to work together thru electronic device.
- New advance technology are providing means for teamwork that is dispersed.

Self Managed Team (SMT)
- relatively autonomous teams whose member hodl their own resposibilities for a set of goals assigned.

Leader-Centered Decision Making Model vs Team-Centered Decision Making Model

Team Leader Practices that Foster Creativity

Matching ppl with right assgn.

Giving team member greater autonomy to do the job

Protect against "creativity blockers"

Ensuring the avaibility of adequate time, money, and other resources.

Leader Centered
- leader exercises his or her power to initiate, direct, drive, instruct and control team members
To be successful, leader should:
- focus on task
- seek opinions
- get agreement

Team Work
- understanding and commitment to groups goals on the part of all team.
- need of effective comm
- clarify team structure
- effective leadership
- establish unify goal

Adv of Teamwork
- synergy
- avoidance of major concern
- faster better decision
- innovation
Disadv of Teamwork
- pressure to conform to group standards
- social loafing
- group thinking
- high level pressure and stress

Social Loafing
- phenomenon of people making less effort to achieve a goal when they work in a group than when they work alone.
Group Thinking
members tend to agree the decision for taking majority viewpoint

Component of Team Effectiveness
Task Performance
: team output meets the need and expectation of those who use it.
Group Process: memeber interact that allow team increasingly becomebetter over time.
Individual Satisfaction: degree which group experience, on balance, more satisfying than frustrating to team members.

Characteristics of effective teams
1) Team Norms

- acceptable standard & b'viour shared by team member
2) Team L'ship
- role leaders in facilitating productive b'viours among team member in critical.
3) Team cohesiveness and interdependent
- team members band together and achieving team goals
4) Team Composition
diversity of knowledge, background, exp of team member
5) Team Structure
interrelations that determine the assgn of tasks, resposibilities, and authority
6) Orgn Support
strong support from top managment
7) Team Creativity
creation of valuable, useful idea rather than step 2 step procedure.

Team Centered
- empowers team members to make deciosion and follow through
To be successful, team leader should:
- listen attentively
- serve as a consultant, advisor
- allow team to make decision
Adv: can improve decision quality
- allow leader to think more strategically
- results higher commitment by team members.
Disadv: Can take time to make decision
- can be self serving
- can end up being poor compromise rather than optimal solution.