The Tiger King- By Kalki - Mind Map

The Tiger King- By Kalki


king of pratibandapuram^

This story is a satire

It attempts to mock at Sir Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur

he is also called sata vyaghra samhari

king of Pratibandapuram

It highlights the grave issue of hunting innocent animals for prize or possession

here the king is shown with a very egoistic and
showy nature

Tiger hunts

The king passed orders that enabled
only him to hunt

He started killing tigers ruthlessly
sometimes facing them himself

Once, when a british official came
to his kingdom, he wanted to hunt tigers

He was starkly refused by the king

In order to save his throne, the king sent diamond rings to
wife of official and hence payed a bill of lakh rupees

The king was happy to save his throne

He wasn't even concerned that that money came from his

Instances of his birth

The author recounts how he as an infant had
starled all by speaking

astrologer's predictions were questioned by
him and he asked them bout his death

When he was told that his death comes from
a tiger, he growled and said

"Let Tigers Beware"

all this happened when he was only ten days old

the vow of killing tigers

As the prince grew up to 20
he got to the throne

He started getting rumour on the
astrologer's predictions and hence decided to kill tigers

After killing the first tiger , he showed it|
to the astrologer

the astrologer told him tobe beware of
the hundreth tiger

Just to satisfy his ego , king took a vow to kill
100 tigers

Willfully he ignored all his duties

The King's Death

The king was very anxious
about the last tiger

by now no tigers were left in his father-in-law's
kingdom also









The king killed 70 tigers

But then , no tigers were left in his kingdom

The king ordered his dewan to find
a girl from a state of many tigers

Everytime he went to his father-in-
law's kingdom he killed some tigers

In this manner 99 tigers were killed

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