Top Renaissance Artists

Leonardo da Vinci
polymath, painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, writer
most diversely talented person ever to have lived
archetype of the Renaissance Man
Famous works

Mona Lisa
Last Supper

Vitruvian Man

painter and architect
with da Vinci and Michelangelo, forms the traditional trinity of great masters of that period
very productive despite death at 37
most of his works found at the Vatican
Famous works

The School of Athens

La Fornarina

sculptor, painter, architect, poet, and engineer
the greatest living artist in his lifetime and one of the greatest artists of all time
Famous works

The Sistine Chapel Ceiling

world's most famous sculpture, David

sculptor born in Florence but worked in Rome, Padua and Siena
worked with stone, bronze, wood, clay, stucco and wax
4 assistants
mostly statues in the round
Famous works

Saint John the Evangelist

Bust of Niccolo da Uzzano
