Vocabulary Unit 11

Break your arm /
my sister broke her arm

Buy souvenirs /
I like to buy souvenirs

Climb a mountain / My mother is afraid to climb a mountain

Fly / I do not like flies

Forget your passport / I'm still at the airport forget my passport

Go shopping / I like to go shopping with my friends

Go to a musical / I want to go to a musical, it was very good yesterday

Go to a restaurant / Will we be able to go to a restaurant tomorrow?

Go to a show / I want to go to a show today

Lose your luggage / How unfortunate, she lost her luggage

Write postcard / Every month I will write you a postcard

Visit an art gallery / the children will attend an art gallery

Visit a museum / since we are in this city I want to visit a museum

Stay in a hotel / we will stay in that hotel has a pool

Stay home / Another day, thanks, today I want to be home

Sleep in a hotel / we will not arrive, we stay to sleep in a hotel

Miss your plane /
I stayed in Guatemala, I lost the plane

Meet someone interesting / I want to meet someone interesting

Sit on the beach / I love sitting on the beach