Teacher lesson planner - Mind Map

Use this template

Encapsulate your classroom project, lesson, and even your evaluation materials in one mind map and you will reduce the time spent in adapting learning strategies and content to your classroom.

Keywords: planning & organizing, lesson planner, teaching, teaching materials

Teacher lesson planner

Teacher lesson planner

This teacher lesson planner to plan and organize your lesson in detail. Add in the template your objectives, activities you are planning to do in class, assessments, plenary, homework feedback, discussions, and resources for your students.

Lesson Planner

Use this mind map to plan and easily organize your lessons.



In order to ensure the continuity of future assessments, create a quick overview of the student knowledge you were able to evaluate and write down some key points regarding their performance.


Outline all the information you will need in order to create your evaluation content, add notes and figure out what type of assessment will conclude your lesson (test, essay, presentation, etc).


After having graded and analyzed your students' work, establish what kind of feedback you will give them.

Will you have a discussion or will you give them written indications on the tests?

Will students need to review some of the content they didn't fully understand?


Try to evaluate your planned assessment and establish whether it's appropriate as evidence for the Student Learning Objective.

Homework Feedback

Homework improves student achievement and teaches students to work independently.
Provide your students with feedback on their homework, as this is an essential instrument allowing you to enhance the significance of assignments in their overall academic life.


An actual experience with discussions will help students grasp the connections between different topics. Students will have the chance to use their knowledge gathered in class or during the personal researches and be able to participate effectively in the discussion as group members.


More and more teachers are using visual aids and other helping tools to exemplify lessons.

Mind Maps

You can attach your own previously created mind maps or you can ask them to create their own.


You can recommend books to your students which are related to your lesson, or which will help them gain a broader perspective on the lesson.


Related videos or documentaries, audio books.


Write down what materials you want to use.


Plan the activities your students will be involved in during the plenary session.

For example: a quiz, exit tickets, keyword bingo, RAG123, etc.

Having established the intention of your plenary session, it is now time to outline the objectives.

For example: clarify students' understanding, help students acquire different points of view, improve their critical judgment skills, promote free discussions, encourage students to ask questions, etc.


Set out the intention of this plenary session.



Keep your students engaged with group games, allowing them to practice vocabulary, grammar rules, learn new concepts, etc.


Think about group exercises that will engage your students’ critical thinking techniques, while also promoting teamwork.


Plan and create the handouts your students will receive in order to support the day’s activities.

Discussion Cards

Help your students learn and practice the conversational techniques needed to move the discussion forward, with the discussion cards.


Add your printable worksheets meant to reinforce your students’ comprehension.

These could contain different types of exercises and even provide a quick overview of the day’s lesson.


Establish your goals.

What do you want your students to achieve?

add note here



Here you should type in the timeframe of this class.


Starting date of the class.


Type in the title of your class.

Pourquoi utiliser un modèle de carte mentale Mindomo?

Les cartes mentales vous aident à faire un brainstorming, à établir des relations entre les concepts, à organiser et à générer des idées.

Cependant, les modèles de cartes mentales offrent un moyen plus facile de commencer, car il s'agit de cadres qui contiennent des informations sur un sujet spécifique avec des instructions d'orientation. Par essence, les modèles de cartes mentales assurent la structure qui combine tous les éléments d'un sujet spécifique et servent de point de départ à votre carte mentale personnelle. Ils constituent une ressource qui offre une solution pratique pour créer une carte heuristique sur un sujet particulier, que ce soit dans le domaine des affaires ou de l'éducation.

Mindomo vous propose des modèles de cartes mentales intelligentes qui vous permettent de fonctionner et de penser sans effort.

Un modèle a plusieurs fonctionnalités:

Thèmes descriptifs

Sujets avec texte d'arrière-plan

Branche par défaut

Suppression des données du modèle

Vous pouvez choisir parmi une variété de modèles de cartes heuristiques provenant des comptes professionnels ou éducatifs de Mindomo, ou vous pouvez créer vos propres modèles de cartes heuristiques à partir de zéro. Toute carte heuristique peut être transformée en modèle de carte heuristique en ajoutant des notes d'orientation à l'un de ses sujets.

Utiliser ce modèle