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Home Renovation Checklist

Home Renovation Checklist

Spending time in your room is one of the most relaxing things you can do.
Make some changes and create a perfect place for you.
Make wonders with your room!

Keywords: personal life, room organizing, room decoration, redecorating, decluttering your room

Home Renovation Checklist

Redecorating your room

Redecorating your room can be difficult if you do not organize everything in detail and have a well-established plan. This template was created to help you make an inventory of the things you already have in your room in order to make some changes and create a perfect place for you.

Spending time in your room is the most relaxing thing you can do. That’s why you have to create a place that is perfect for you. Home decorating can be relaxing too, as long as there is someone to help you. Also, decorating your room the way you like and changing the things that bother you will make you happier.

Make an inventory of the things you have. Note down the things that are placed on walls, shelves, ceiling, and wardrobe.

Note down the type of pets that are staying in your room and their name. You will have to think about the changes that will not affect them.

Think about the changes you want to do in your room and establish when will be the exact moment when you will do them.

Also, you can think about some changes that will make the room look bigger.

At first, think about the pieces of furniture (a bedside table for example), then you can focus on the smaller things (like table lamps).

My room

Firstly, make an inventory of the things you already have in your room.

Secondly, close your eyes and imagine your ideal room. Write down the changes you will make to create the room of your dreams.

Redecorating your room is easy and fun!


Thing from the wardrobe

Which are the things from the wardrobe?

Example: clothes, socks, shoes etc.


Pet type

What kind of pet do you have in your room?

Pet name

What is your pet's name?


What to change?

What do you want to change in your room?


When do you want to do that?


Thing placed on the ceiling

Which are the things that are placed on the ceiling?

Examples: ceiling lamp, phosphorescent sticky stars etc.


Thing placed on the shelves

Which are the things that are placed on the shelves?

Examples: books, decorations, flower vases, photos etc.


Thing placed on the wall

Which are the things that are hanging on the walls?

Examples: paintings, clock, posters, mirrors etc.

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