Plantillas > Historia >

Historical figures that changed the world

Historical figures that changed the world

Choose one historical figure, whom you think had the biggest impact on history.

Keywords: historical figure, impact on history, famous historical person

Historical figures that changed the world

Historical figures that changed the world

What are some historical figures that changed the world?

Type in the name of a historical figure and come up with five reasons why you think it had a big impact on the world. Support these reasons with arguments.

Historical figure

Type in his/her name. You can also add a picture of him/her.

Come up with 5 main reasons to prove your point.


Type in a reason why you think this historical figure had a big impact on history.

Supportive argument

Type in a supportive argument for the reason provided.

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Los mapas mentales ayudan a realizar lluvias de ideas, establecer relaciones entre conceptos, organizar y generar ideas.

Sin embargo, las plantillas de mapas mentales ofrecen una forma más fácil de empezar, ya que son estructuras que contienen información sobre un tema específico con instrucciones orientativas. En esencia, las plantillas de mapas mentales garantizan la estructura que combina todos los elementos de un tema específico y sirven como punto de partida para su mapa mental personal. Son un recurso que proporciona una solución práctica para crear un mapa mental sobre un tema concreto, ya sea para los negocios o para la educación.

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