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Ancient Greece diagram

Ancient Greece diagram

Explore the fascinating ancient civilization of Greece.

Keywords: Greece, ancient civilization, history, historical figures, mythology

Ancient Greece diagram

Ancient Greece

Use this mind map template to learn about Ancient Greece


It will help you research and find out information about discoveries, wars and battles, and Greek mythology.

Ancient Greece

Seek to understand how this civilization had evolved into becoming one of the most powerful in history.

Learn about Greek scientific breakthroughs, great battles, and mysterious stories with gods and goddesses.


Greek Mythology was part of the religion in Ancient Greece and it included all the myths and teachings of their gods, the origins of the world and the Greek cult and ritual practices.


Titans in Ancient Greece were the elder gods that ruled the world before the Olympians.

They were ruled by Cronus, who was dethroned by his own son, Zeus.

List the most significant titans.


Hades, brother of Zeus, was the god of the underworld, ruling over the dead.


Ares, son of Zeus and Hera, was the god of war.

He was disliked both by his parents and by the people. Though the god of war, he was considered to be a coward.


Poseidon, brother of Zeus, was the god of the sea and protector of all waters.

He was also the god of horses. There is a myth about Poseidon creating the first horse in order to impress his beloved Demeter.

Where are his temples and sacred places?

Type in the answers.

How was he symbolized?

Type in the answers.


Apollo son of Zeus and Letto was the god of the sun, truth, music, poetry, dance, and healing.

How was he symbolized?

He had 2 symbols, one in time of peace, one in time of war. Type in the answers.


Hera was the wife of Zeus.

She was the patron of weddings and marriage. Her jealousy is well-known throughout history because she used to take awful revenge on Zeus' lovers and illegitimate children.

Where are her temples and sacred places?

Type in geographical locations.

How was she symbolized?

Type in the answers. Example: a high crown.


Also, called the 'cloud-gatherer' and 'thunderer' by the Greek poet Hesiod, Zeus was the supreme ruler of the Olympian gods. He controlled the weather, and every time lightning struck, people thought it was a sign from Zeus.



Where are his temples and sacred places?

Type in geographical locations.



How was he symbolized?

Type in the answers. Example: sometimes seated on a throne.

Wars & Battles

Most important battles in Ancient Greece

Already internally warring, Ancient Greece has fought many battles with external enemies, but four of them were extremely significant: Battle of Marathon (490 B.C.), Battle of Salamis (480 B.C.), Battle of Thermopylae (480 B.C.), and Battle of Chaeronea (338 B.C.).


Leader of the enemy army

Who led the enemy army in the Battle of Chaeronea? Type in the answer.

Leader of the Greek army

Who led the Greek army in the Battle of Chaeronea? Type in the answer.

Who was the enemy against which the Greeks fought at Chaeronea?

Type in the answer.


Leader of the enemy army

Who led the enemy army in the Battle of Thermopylae? Type in the answer.

Leader of the Greek army

Who led the Greek army in the Battle of Thermopylae? Type in the answer.

Who was the enemy against which the Greeks fought at Thermopylae?

Type in the answer.


Leader of the enemy army

Who led the army against the Greeks in the Battle of Salamis? Type in the answer.

Leader of the Greek army

Who led the Greek army in the Battle of Salamis? Type in the answer.

Who was the enemy against which the Greeks fought at Salamis?

Type in the answer.

Facts and figures


Think of any interesting facts related to this battle, or figures related to soldiers, casualties, etc.

Type them in.


Which army won the battle?

Type in the answer.

Army leaders

Enemy leader

Leader of the enemy army

Who led the enemy army in the Battle of Marathon?

Type in the answer.

Greek leader

Leader of the Greek army

Who led the Greek army in the Battle of Marathon?

Type in the answer.


Who was the enemy against which the Greeks fought at Marathon?

Type in the answer.



Discoveries of Euclid of Alexandria (325 - 265 B.C.)

Euclid is the 'Father of Geometry'. He brought great contributions to Mathematics.

Type in the most important ones.


Discoveries of Aristotle of Stagira (384 - 322 B.C.)

Greek philosopher and scientist, Aristotle is considered to be the first genuine scientist in history, according to Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Type in his most important discoveries.


Discoveries of Hippocrates of Cos (460 - 370 B.C.)

Hippocrates of Cos is among the most remarkable figures in the history of medicine, also being referred to as the 'father of western medicine'.

What were his main discoveries? Type them in.


Discoveries of Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (510 - 428 B.C.)

Anaxagoras was the one who brought philosophy from Ionia to Athens. He is famous for his contributions to astronomy. Type in his most important discoveries.


Discoveries of Pythagoras of Samos (570 - 495 B.C.)

Pythagoras of Samos was a Greek philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, and the founder of the religious movement called 'Pythagoreanism'. Type in his most important discoveries.


Discoveries of Thales of Miletus (620 - 546 B.C.)

Thales of Miletus was one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece, a prolific philosopher, geometer, military engineer, and astronomer. Type in the most important discoveries made by him.

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