
Mind Maps


Featured Mind Maps

Mind Map diagrams appear simple, and keen mappers are eager to share their maps with others. But there is more to creating high value maps than meets the eye. In this article, we look at five things that have been learned the hard way by mind mapping software users. 1. “Left brain” and “right brain” theories have changed From the early days of Mind Mapping, it was taken as given that the left and right…

People are using mind mapping more and more for different purposes. Although this technique is so simple, it developed over time. Which is the best mind map creator that you can use today? Which one has the most features? Let’s find out together what mind mapping software can do and how to be sure that you are using the most performant one!One of the earliest documented examples is tracked back to the 3rd century BCE.…

Smart goal setting is one of the most effective tools for achieving goals used in the professional area. The smart goals you set should relate to the accomplishments (results), not the activities that help you achieve them. The meaning of SMART goals SMART is an acronym that stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. This method of setting smart goals was the idea of George T. Doran, the author of the work named “There’s…

Mind maps are visual representations of ideas. They help your brain to capture information easier. Learn how to create a mind map and how to use mind mapping software. Mind maps were invented by the English author and speaker Tony Buzan. He encourages the use of different colors, fonts, and images. What are mind maps exactly? Research shows that mind maps are an efficient way of learning. They improve memory and help you recall information.…

Tony Buzan, an English author, and an educational consultant was the inventor of mind maps. As a child, he used to get bored at school and did not understand why he could not use colors when taking notes. In his book, “Mind maps for kids”, he discussed the different uses of mind mapping and their importance. Colors and images are very powerful when it comes to students’ understanding. That’s why he came with this approach.…