


Use mind maps for Education

Some may have heard the term semantic map or have seen some semantic map examples already. For those that are looking to see who created a way to recall the meaning of words easily, go here. For those that want to understand more the words they read, continue forward. Eventually, you will learn what a semantic map is, even without prior knowledge. It is a great way for children or adults to display words they…

You’ve probably heard everyone has a unique learning style. Learning styles hone in on an individual strength (usually one of the five senses) to help recall information more effectively. The three most common types are visual, auditory, and tactile. But what is visual learning exactly? Do you have to see information to learn it? If things like photos, graphics, and colors help you organize your thoughts, you’re probably a visual learner. Visual learners retain information…

What’s the secret to a good presentation? Audience engagement. Research shows that 79% of people agree that most presentations are boring. A mind map presentation is more visually appealing and attention-grabbing than standard PowerPoint templates or Google slides. Mind maps are a visual tool that you can share with your audience. Graphic aids structure information and offer an excellent overview of a specific topic making it easy for your listeners to grasp. You can also…

What is a brainstorming diagram? A brainstorming diagram is a diagram used to connect similar words, ideas, thoughts, and images. It is a brilliant tool for generating and grouping ideas, organizing information, visualizing concepts, and also as a study aid. Brainstorming is a personal activity; a single person or a group can perform it. It is a process that involves gathering ideas quickly to provide a solution to a specific problem. The information collected is…

You have likely been told that to write a good essay, you must come up with a clear thesis and an outline of your supporting points. These are important steps in writing an essay but don’t necessarily have to be done in that order. Many writers find that starting with the essay’s body and working backward helps them organize their thoughts more effectively. Learn how to write your essay by reading this article. This article…