Modelli > Analisi aziendale >

Boston matrix template

Boston matrix template

The 'Boston Matrix allows you to take a snapshot of an organization's portfolio of products, services, or business units. It mainly helps you decide where to put effort and resources into a portfolio.

Keywords: Boston Matrix, organization's portfolio, business units, business resources, business analysis

Boston matrix template

Boston matrix template

This Boston matrix template will help you decide where you will put effort and resources based on the analysis of an organization’s portfolio of products, services, or business units.

The products, services, and business units from a business portfolio are classified into four categories:


They are in a high-growth market and have a high market share and growth rate. They need to invest in them continually.

Cash cows

They are in a low growth market and maintain a significant market share. They do not need a big investment to be sustained.


They are in a low growth market and have a low market share. They will not return the money invested and can bring you losses.

Wild cats

They are in a high growth market and have a low market share. They require significant investment to reach their potential, but sometimes they can fail.

Also, you will have to think about the actions you need to take to balance the matrix.


Controlling Wildcats

Wildcats need continual attention, to ensure that they turn into Stars, or are revised before losses mount up.

The issues that make Wildcats risky must be stabilized.

How will you control Wildcats?

Type in an idea.

Discontinuing Dogs

It may be better to divert resources away from Dogs into other areas with more growth potential, by either selling or discontinuing them.

But if they need more investment, then they should be made to compete with other investment opportunities.

What will you do with Dogs?

Type in an idea.

Protecting Cash Cows

Cash Cows generate profit and allow you to take chances on Wildcats. It is important to maintain these Cash Cows for as long as they are profitable.

Eventually, they will migrate to Dogs and will start to cost money and opportunities.

How will you protect Cash Cows?

Type in an idea.

Investing in Stars

When the market for your Star products or services levels off, you need to ensure that you maintain a strong market share so that you can continue to make a return on investment.

How will Stars become Cash Cows?

Type in an idea.

Balancing the matrix


Typical lifecycles are:

Do you have enough Wildcats, Stars and Cash Cows?

What action do you need to take to balance the matrix? Type in an idea.

Organisation Name

Whose portfolio are you analyzing?

Type in the name of the organization whose portfolio you are analyzing.



Dogs are products, services or business units that:

Type in a Dog product, service or business unit.



Wildcats are products, services or business units that:

Type in a Wildcat product, service or business unit.

Cash Cows

Cash Cow

Cash Cows are products, services, and business units that:

Type in a Cash Cow product, service or business unit.



Stars are products, services or business units that:

Type in a Star product, service or business unit.

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Le mappe mentali aiutano a fare brainstorming, a stabilire relazioni tra i concetti, a organizzare e generare idee.

Tuttavia, i modelli di mappe mentali offrono un modo più semplice per iniziare, in quanto sono strutture che contengono informazioni su un argomento specifico con istruzioni guida. In sostanza, i modelli di mappe mentali garantiscono la struttura che combina tutti gli elementi di un argomento specifico e servono come punto di partenza per la vostra mappa mentale personale. Sono una risorsa che fornisce una soluzione pratica per creare una mappa mentale su un particolare argomento, sia per il lavoro che per l'istruzione.

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Argomenti descrittivi

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