


Find out Mindomo’s latest features!

Business trends are more focused than ever on identifying secure and efficient ways for online collaboration. Small as well as large businesses thrive to expand their networking strategies, which at their turn demand better and more efficient means in the transferring of ideas, concepts, projects and even start up business plans.

Ok then, so what’s the better way to online collaboration?

It’s time to share the latest improvements to the mobile apps: Focus on specific topics, subtopics and areas on your map Collapse/Expand Menu is available for the visibility of subtopics at multiple levels Open any map link with Mindomo app Map Links in browser can now be viewed directly on app Visualize the title of your map Map Titles are being displayed in the top toolbar Know the status of your maps on the app…

Hi guys, First of all, Happy Valentine’s Day! We are sure you have already noticed the Search feature in your editor and map viewer. This is the first version and we would need some pointers from you. There’s not much to say, we’ve only added minimal functionality. The search box is located in the status bar. With only 1 click you type, search and navigate fast through the highlighted results. Also, everything happens in real-time,…