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This time of the year gets everyone excited because the arrival of fall also means that Halloween is coming. Each year there are approximately 41.2 million kids who dress up and go trick-or-treating. While Halloween might be fun for most kids, there will always be a few exceptions. For example, kids with learning and attention difficulties. These kids might be more scared of this holiday than excited due to their oversensitivity. So, let’s see what…

Writing good essays will definitely help you get through school. Writing outlines first makes the essay writing process easier and better organized because an outline provides a structure. The outline for an essay is like the skeleton for the body. As you probably know, there are many outlining tools to help you. Mindomo also has an outlining functionality, apart from the mind mapping and concept mapping ones. How to make an outline for an essay? Mindomo…

The technological revolution began when things like traveling, food production and medicine were becoming more and more time-consuming and harder to achieve. Now, the 21st century is fully digital, and blended learning acknowledges this and the fact that the ways we work, socialize and learn are constantly changing. We are now used to receiving a continuous stream of digital information at a fast pace and incorporating it into our daily working and social lives –…

In everyday life, we are often required to be innovative and creative but in some areas, routine can be the thing that sets a difference. You might ask how successful people got where they are, and if you start looking for answers, you’ll find out that they have strong morning routines. This is important mainly because it gives you the chance to set the tone of your day. A good morning results in a good…

The world today relies more and more on people collaborating to solve various kinds of problems. In this context, across all grades and subjects, school culture should focus on modelling teachers’ and students’ collaborative problem-solving. Collaborative planning for teachers Step 1. Find a collaboration partner Step 2. Get resources – if there aren’t internal grants available at your school, search for external grants and resources that meet the needs of your collaborative project. Step 3.…