
Mindomo Tips


Mind mapping Tips & Tricks

In everyday life, we are often required to be innovative and creative but in some areas, routine can be the thing that sets a difference. You might ask how successful people got where they are, and if you start looking for answers, you’ll find out that they have strong morning routines. This is important mainly because it gives you the chance to set the tone of your day. A good morning results in a good…

Why learn a foreign language? Besides the fact that it comes in handy when traveling or perhaps it can help with your future job, studies found that learning a foreign language actually makes you smarter. How you may ask. Well, it actually improves your memory, you become more perceptive. For many of us learning a foreign language can be difficult. We don’t have the same sense for languages and different languages require a different amount of…

ADD is a condition associated with learning and concentration difficulties. People suffering from ADD, usually children and teenagers, find it hard to focus on a task as their brains jump from one topic to another, restlessly.  This is why those suffering from this condition require special learning and teaching methods. The mind mapping and concept mapping method is a simple way to capture our thoughts by visualization, without necessarily organizing or prioritizing them. This is…

You know you are facing a problem when you find yourself in a condition which is different than the desired one. If the problem is simple, then the solution is usually quite obvious. But when you’re facing a more complex issue, the card up your sleeve is to get in a problem-solving state of mind. There is a saying that in order to understand a problem profoundly, you need to see the bigger picture. If…

Let’s say you need to do a product presentation, the first thing you do is a sketch, right? So, why not use concept maps from the beginning? This way you will get a visual display of the whole story in one single page. First step: identifying the main idea. This will be the title of your ‘message map’, so keep it short if possible. Our example is a strong line to point out the…